In this space, I intend to be completely transparent and authentic for you to get to know me!
Growing up in New York City you were able to get away with a lot and needless to say I took full advantage of that. In my teenage years, I struggled a lot with mental health issues like depression and anxiety alongside an eating disorder and drug abuse. My health declined rapidly and I did not embrace the future with open arms. Hitting my version of rock bottom I became so fed up with feeling hopeless, I knew deep down I needed to change my lifestyle.
I decided to follow the voice inside my head saying it was time to move forward. Fitness not only saved my life, but it gave life a whole new feeling for me. It gave me purpose, focus, and lifelong tools to face my problems head-on as opposed to blanketing them.
I knew I had found something of meaning as I fell more in love with guiding people to joy and self-confidence. I truly believe health and healing are for everyone no matter what point you are at.
Life is about experiences and growth and that can often create discomfort. However, I urge you not to shy away from an opportunity to better yourself and I would love to help you take action on that journey.
Hi! My name is Tia,
NASM Certified Personal Trainer &
Nutrition Coach
Specializations: Behavioral Change, Weight Loss & Women’s Fitness
BA: Psychology & Philosophy
Contact me
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My mission is to help people by Empowering them with the tools for long-lasting wellness.
Changing your life is the process of intentional daily action towards your goals.
I work with clients so they can heal, reinvent, and sharpen themselves into who they want to be with confidence and trust in what they are capable of.